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Fund Raising Easy

Fund Raising Made Easy

The Funding Solution For Todays Youth Activities


Depending on the requirements of your organization and the resources at your disposal, there are a few various approaches you may take when selling coffee as a means of raising money for it. There is the conventional method of fundraising, which involves the well-known sales brochure and the ordering procedure. Alternatively, there is the direct sale model, which is analogous to selling candy bars in that participants have the product in hand while accepting orders. However, if none of these approaches to fundraising seems like it would be a good fit for your group, you still have the option of doing fundraising online.

The following is a list of the most common sorts of coffee-related fund-raising events, as well as the processes required to get them started:


The organization of a conventional fund-raising event entails the following five steps:

  • Choose the coffee, and then design the brochures. Make your coffee choices and develop a sales brochure, and then look for a firm that specializes in coffee to collaborate with, such as Fund Raising Easy Coffee.
  • Get the ball rolling. Begin the coffee-selling portion of your fundraising event by distributing pamphlets and publicizing your product.
  • Sell, sell, sell. You may continue to collect donations for as long as you see fit.
  • Collect cash. Collect all of the order forms and money that has been contributed by people who are taking part in the fundraiser.
  • Order and deliver. Count up the orders placed by your backers, put your own order for coffee, and then deliver the goods to the people who purchased them.


If you would prefer to provide your goods to the attendees in person, the following five procedures should be followed for your coffee-themed fundraising event:

  • Make your coffee order. You may make a large purchase of coffee from Fund Raising Easy Coffee and then divide it up into individual servings in boxes or backpacks so that it is easier to sell.
  • Packs should be distributed. Distribute the bags or cartons of coffee to the individuals who are participating in your fundraising event.
  • Set pricing. Based on the pricing of the first bulk purchase, you will need to determine how to price your coffee in order to make a profit.
  • Sell, sell, sell. Start selling your coffee by providing it to purchasers immediately once they have paid for it; fundraising of this kind will normally last for a few weeks at a time.
  • Accumulate the gains. Collect the funds from those who participated in your fundraising so that you may use them toward the enhancement of your organization.


You might consider doing an online coffee fundraiser if you need to sell to a larger audience or if you don’t want to sell door to door. This strategy may also be supplemented with a more conventional or direct sales-based approach to the fundraising event.

Follow these five steps to bring your coffee-based fundraiser into the digital era:

  • Find yourself a companion. Find a coffee business willing to collaborate with you to make your own coffee that has a low minimum order quantity requirement.
  • Coupon code. Create a discount code that will be required of consumers when they check out in order for their purchase to count toward your organization’s fundraising efforts.
  • You should get the word out. In order to boost sales, your organization could encourage participants to send an email to their friends and family members informing them about the coffee fundraiser.
  • Sell, sell, sell. Throughout the period of your campaign, you should continue to encourage people to purchase coffee online.


No matter the coffee-related fundraising concept you choose with, you will need two essential components: personalized coffee pods and coffee bags. Both of these coffee basics may be personalized, which will help promote your cause and make your coffee fundraiser stand out in people’s minds. Before you start making sales, you need to make sure that you have worked out the particulars with a coffee business about the kind of coffee you will be offering for sale as well as the layout of the packaging that it will come in.

Components That Are Required For A Coffee-Based Fundraiser

To take your coffee-based fundraising event to the next level, consider the following:


If you add a coffee pod option to your fundraising, you will almost certainly be able to sell more merchandise and bring in more money. This is due to the fact that coffee pods are gaining more and more popularity among those who like drinking coffee. If you choose the appropriate coffee business to collaborate with, you will be able to personalize the coffee pods that you sell so that they are an accurate reflection of your firm. You will be able to create a one-of-a-kind taste of flavors and pod design when you personalize your coffee pods, which will in turn generate increased interest in the coffee fundraiser you are holding.


Because the packaging of your coffee is the first thing that people who could donate to your fundraising effort will see, you should make sure that it is both aesthetically pleasing and uniquely associated with your organization. You have the option of customizing the coffee bag to represent the message of your organization and serve as a reminder to customers of the cause for which you are fundraising. In addition, you have the choice of giving the coffee bag a standard or pre-measured portion pack form. Your fundraising effort will stand out from others and attract the attention of customers with package and bag styles that include custom printing.

HOW TO Make Your Fundraising Event a Resounding Success

Even with your personalized coffee pods and coffee bags, there are a few more fundraising ideas you’ll need to guarantee the success of your coffee fundraiser. These recommendations may be found in the following sentence. If you want to earn money selling coffee, you’ll need to go beyond the fundamental procedures of organizing a fundraiser in order to come up with creative ways to do it. In conjunction with the launch of your fundraising effort, you could want to hold an event with a coffee-related theme, such as a coffee tasting or an open mic night at a local coffee establishment, in order to boost sales.

Before you go deeper into the process of establishing a fundraising campaign, here are several aspects of fundraising that you should take into consideration:


Before diving headfirst into the planning of your event, you should first ensure that you clearly understand why you are doing the fundraiser. Make a decision as to whether the major objective of the fundraiser is to generate money, to promote the brand of your organization and acquire recognition, or to develop new connections. Your fundraising effort may include more than one objective, but you should ensure that everyone is aware of the one that takes precedence over the others.

It is generally useful to make your fundraising goal public so that people will be more driven to accomplish it. If your primary purpose is to raise as much money as you possibly can during your campaign, then this is an important step to do. Your group will be more motivated to sell if they have a specific figure to strive toward, and other people will be more eager to purchase in order to help you get closer to achieving your objective. Make everyone feel that they are an important part of the path towards attaining your objective, whatever that goal may be.


Establish a communications strategy to reach the most number of people feasible and boost your chances of making a sale. Even if your fundraising event is not hosted on the internet, you may still advertise it via other channels, such as the website of your group, social media, word of mouth, posters, phone calls, mail, and email.

Establish a Strategy for Communication

By requesting that some of your most devoted supporters share information about your next fundraising event on their own websites or social media accounts, you may cast a broader net and attract participation from those who you would not have been able to engage in any other way. You will have the chance to sell your coffee to individuals who have never dealt with your company before if you send out an invitation to everyone and ask them to spread the news.

First and foremost, you need to ensure that your supporters are aware that both their time and the money they contribute to your organization’s coffee fundraiser are well spent. Make advantage of your promotional material to show people why they should care about your cause, along with what makes your fundraising event and coffee items stand out from the crowd.


Calculating the costs of selling coffee as a fundraiser is an essential step in achieving your fundraising objective. By doing so, you may ensure that you truly reach your objective rather than losing half of the money after you’ve paid off your fundraising expenses. Create a detailed budget for your next fundraising event, making sure to provide a little bit of wiggle space for any unforeseen expenses that may arise, and this will help you avoid generating less money than you estimate. With the aid of this budget, you will be able to establish a target that not only pays for all of the costs associated with your fundraising effort but also generates a profit that is sufficient to satisfy the monetary requirements of your organization.

You will need to have a precise understanding of how much money your organization generates off of the sale of each coffee bag or coffee pod in order to make your fundraising budget and goal as accurate as feasible. After that, you will have the knowledge necessary to price your coffee items appropriately. There are a few other costs to take into account in addition to the specific price of the coffee that you are going to buy, which is the first and most significant cost to include in your budget.


When trying to generate money via the sale of coffee, it is important to keep the following points in mind:

  • Timing of the turnaround. Because time is money, it is important to choose a coffee business that you can depend on to make your coffee goods in a timely and effective manner. It may be worthwhile to spend a little bit more for delivery that is more expedient.
  • Personalization pricing. Customization is another price that is often worth paying a little bit more for; however, you may reduce the amount that you paid for a surplus of products by selecting a coffee supplier that has a low order minimum requirement.
  • The standard of the product. If you want to have a successful fundraiser that people look forward to attending year after year, you should put the quality of your coffee items ahead of their prices.
  • Costs associated with shipping Make sure there is no confusion about who is responsible for paying the shipping costs: your company or the clients who place online orders.
  • Ticket sales. How much will guests be expected to pay, if any, to participate in a simultaneous fundraising event that you are organizing? You need to decide whether you want the proceeds from the ticket sales to go toward your goal or if you want the event to be free and rely on the proceeds from the coffee sales.
  • Event space. In addition to the pricing of the tickets, people who are organizing a fundraising event will need to take into account the cost of hiring a location in which to conduct the event as well as the cost of purchasing any additional supplies, such as tables and chairs or refreshments, that may be required.

After taking into account all of these different aspects of the costs, you should then determine the prices for each of your coffee items so that you can make a profit off of the sale of each bag. After the conclusion of your fundraising, you should evaluate whether or not you were able to stick to your budget, how many new clients you were able to attract, and how much money you earned in order to determine what, if anything, you will need to modify for your subsequent fundraiser.


Because of the various advantages it provides, selling coffee is an excellent method to collect money for your organization. This is one of the many perks.

The following is a list of the primary justifications for why selling coffee is one of the most effective methods for fundraising that can be found:

  • Eye-catching. Selling coffee is one of the more original fundraising ideas, and despite its growing popularity, it has not yet reached the point where it is too commonplace. People will be more likely to check out your fundraiser if you sell branded coffee since it will get their attention and make them more interested in the cause.
  • Appeal for every season. Coffee may be consumed at any time of the year or throughout any season since it can be made both hot and cooled. Due to the large consumption rate of coffee, your coffee-based fundraising endeavor may be in demand on several occasions throughout the year.
  • Non-perishable. Coffee has a long shelf life and may be kept fresh for many months if it is packaged in its original oxygen barrier packaging and kept in a cool, dark place.
  • Complementary. If you want to offer other items at the same time, like chocolate, cookie dough, fudge, or sweets, coffee is a great product to sell since it goes well with almost anything.
  • Successful and uncomplicated. A fundraiser that involves selling coffee may generate a significant amount of revenue with very little effort put in by the organizer. You may generate more money while also reducing your stress levels by holding a coffee fundraiser.
  • Fundraising Opportunities That Include the Sale of Coffee


If the notion of selling coffee to raise money for your group does not seem like it would be a good match, or if you are searching for something else to combine it with, there are lots of other creative fundraising ideas available. You may sell coffee in addition to running other sorts of fundraisers, or you can try out other forms of fundraisers when you need a vacation from being a coffee peddler.

The following is a list of some of the many opportunities for fundraising that are open to you:

  • T-shirt customization for sale. Customers should think of your company whenever they put on their most recent stylish T-shirt or their most comfortable T-shirt.
  • Bake sale. Holding a bake sale is a great way to attract a diverse group of customers since everyone has a want for something sweet.
  • Text to hand out. People will be more likely to donate to your organization if they can do so from the convenience of their own mobile devices, therefore making it feasible for them to do so.
  • a competition in which participants must pay to take part in the game. You may have a day of friendly rivalry while also earning money by holding a tournament like a dodgeball, basketball, or flag football.
  • Collaboration between mobile eateries Gets a local food truck to serve your supporters and divides the earnings with you to provide a location for people to mingle while also contributing to an important cause.


If you want to make sure that your coffee-based fundraiser is a success, you should let Fund Raising Easy Coffee offer you the specialized coffee that is ideal for the occasion. We provide reasonably priced, high-quality coffee that is available in a variety of formats, including pods for Nespresso, coffee cups for Keurig, and coffee bags with a quick turnaround time.

Our Private Label Experts are devoted to working with you to create the ideal coffee for your fundraising event, and they will walk you through the process of making personalized coffee and assist you at every step of the way. We place a high priority on flavor, and we will put our cutting-edge facilities and all of our available resources to work in order to provide you with the highest quality item we can so that you can put all of your attention into achieving the fundraising goal you’ve set.

Get in touch with Fund Raising Easy Coffee as soon as possible to get your coffee sale campaign rolling in order to get the ball rolling on generating funds for your organization.